Is this Right? (fish plan)


Reefing newb
Hi Everyone! So I have been doing some research on what fish/coral i want in my new 100gal tank. I think i have done all the right research but if i put a list up could someone tell me either good job or tell me what i did wrong?

Snowflake Clownfish
Green Mandarin
Flame Angel
Royal Gramma
Copperband Butterflyfish
Yellow Watchman Goby
Pistol Shrimp
Sebae Malu (coral)
Green Brain (coral)
Feather Dusters (coral)

will these fish go together peacefully?
The sebae is an anemone (not a coral). They are considered "expert only" animals and should be added once the tank has been up and running for at least a year. They require very high lighting and pristine water conditions and can be difficult to keep alive.

I would advise against the copperband. They are very difficult to keep in captivity; most end up starving to death within a matter of weeks or month.

Everything else on your list looks good and they should all get along. Have you considered a pair of clowns instead of just one?

Also, you will need a ton more coral than that for a reef tank. There really is no sense in planning corals -- you will inevitably see something you like at the store and want to buy it. :)
Thanks so much. I was thinking about getting a pair of the clownfish. Will it make that much of a difference? Also my brother really wants a snowflake moray eel. I'm thinking not. Good choice or not?
I kept a snowflake eel in a reef tank. If you get one, just add him last.
Anything (fish wise) that is added after him is potential munchies.
I never said he didn't try to eat anything.

He never ate anything I added BEFORE him.

As far as things I added after him, he downed a pair of leopard wrasses and a flame angel.

Things he DIDN'T eat, though: a sailfin tang, a tomini tang, a niger trigger, a pair of maroon clowns, a black ocellaris, a lawnmower blenny, a diamond goby, a tiny sleeper goby, ummmmmmm (trying to remember what else I had). Cleaner shrimp, hermits, snails and the like.