Is he dying :(


Seahorse Whisperer
I've done everything I can for this guy and now he's doing this:


Please tell me he's splitting and not dying....

Is the foot still attached to something?
It could be taking a crap.Looks like the color is still good.

Its hard to say Catherine.
It is hard to say but it does not look like it is disintegrating so I think it has a good chance at least as far as that picture shows. Good luck with it Catherine.
The gaping mouth is a very bad sign. Keep an eye on it. Once it starts to fall apart it can pollute your tank pretty quickly.
Catherine - when mine split they don't turn colors like that. I am so sorry. I hope that is just a phase. Sometimes mine will look ugly for a couple of hours but never too long. Good luck
Well, you guys were right, he didn't do very well in the bucket. Everything in my tank looks good as far as I can see. Still a little bit of cloudiness even with the huge water change. Can't see my firefish but he's a shy guy who only comes out every few days and I can't find a body so I'm not worried about him. I feel numb and frustrated. I know I did everything right for him. I was thinking I would make that tank an anemone tank but now I don't think so. No idea what to do in there. ugh


Sorry about your Anemone Catherine. Sometimes when things go bad there's no explaining it. You did everything right so don't feel too bad. Ponies are much more interesting anyways.
I called Matthew, my LFS guy, and told him about the anemone. He said he would give me full credit for him and felt really bad. We tried to figure out what happened. The only thing we could come up with was that Sebae's really have trouble adjusting and he probably had too many changes at once. He was in the tank of a local guy forever and got too big and aggressive so Matthew took him in. He was at the LFS looking good for about 5 days before he sold him to me. We went over the lighting which was my biggest concern. The anemone had low light for a few hours on Saturday and all day Sunday. Monday morning I bought him a new light. Matthew didn't think that did it because it was only really one day. Anyway, Matthew says he's getting in a bunch of BTA's in about 2 weeks, all kinds of colors and said I should try one of those. After what I've been through the past few days, I don't know if I'm wanting to try this again. Maybe I'll steal Biff's idea of just doing a big blanket of different colored riccordeas. I do have an anemone crab and a clown with nothing to host though. Should I get another little clown? Jazz looks so lonely in there all alone. Geeezzzz........

Seabea's are one of the harder anemones to keep.And like Matthew said,they dont handle change very good.
I'd say try a BTA.I loved the one I had,right up to the point that it walked over my SPS colonies.