is GSP too overbearing?


I'm on a boat!
I hear it can take over... which I am not totally against it growing wild, how hard is it to trim back/how do you do it?

I am thinking of getting some (would be my 1st coral) and would like to know if its a good place to start.
It is pretty easy to keep under control by peeling the mat off with a razor blade. And it helps to keep the rock it's on isolated, away from other rocks. I don't consider it a pest on the same level as xenia or kenya trees (which, in my mind, are 100% pests).
Xenia tends to one of two things. It either takes over the tank,or just dies out. Usually grows like a weed in a newer or poorly maintained tank. But wont live in a well established tanks.
yup, I got a pretty bare tank atm... and plan to add more LR later, so I think I am going to get one or the other (maybe both) to spruce the place up a bit... if I have to remove some later I will just take that as a learning experience.
i love the gsp we have, 18 months ago it was a little frag now it is half of a wall covering and spreading. super easy to trim, and its bulletproof.
yup... Tapping my foot waiting for my lights to come in...
I am pretty sure that this weekend I am going to grab some gsp.

Tank looks VERY bare currently