Is a bigger skimmer more effective?


Reefing newb
Hey guys. I was wondering if there is any benefit in getting a skimmer that is rated to handle a 125 gallon as apposed to a 75? I just dont want to end up upgrading if i dont need to. Thanks!:Cheers:
Yes there is. If the skimmer is bigger, it will handle more volume of water. I wouldn't get one that is rated for a 75...if you can, get the bigger one. You will be able to use it when you upgrade.
General rule of thumb is to get a skimmer that can handle about twice the volume of your tank. Of course this isn't practical for very large tanks, but for smaller tanks, the bigger the better.
go as big as you can. it will allow you to push the envelope of the number of fish you can stock in your tank - a nice benefit
