I'm an idiot


Reefing newb
Ok I don't know what is up with me but I definitly have some issues. Last week or so I had some skim on my tank and air in my siphon tube and low flow. I immediatly though siphon. Fixed that with another airline to autodraw the siphon. For the last week I have needed to cut my return pump flow down almost daily as tank level has been rising very slowly. Today I had even more skim on the surface and the tank was still going up in level. Thats when it hit me. :frustrat: The stupid overflow box had a sponge that goes around the siphon tube. I shut everything down took out the sponge and started everything back up. WOW full flow from the sump again. OMG wow look at all the micro bubbles! I shut down the skimmer. Not fixing anything. I then looked closer and its little junk not bubbles. DUH I have had reduced flow across the bottom of the tank for a week moron. I just blew debris all over the place.

As luck or my own idiodicy has it I left the RO/DI unit making water last night when I went to bed. Wife was a little upset the next morning. Needless to say I had plenty of water for a water change.
As luck or my own idiodicy has it I left the RO/DI unit making water last night when I went to bed. Wife was a little upset the next morning. Needless to say I had plenty of water for a water change.

That falls under "If you've never had a flooding, you're not a true reefer!" I'm at least thrice the reefer cuz I've forgotten to shut off my rodi at least 3 times ;)
lol, I've done the exact same thing with my sponge in my return pump... only I did it for several weeks.

only left the RO water on too long once, though. then I got a float valve. :D
Ok I just started up the RO filter again to make top off water for the week. I have been to lazy to actually plumb a water line and drain line into my sump room yet. So if I forget to turn it off again I may need a place to sleep for a few days. Anybody willing to give up a couch?
I'm a ways away VA but I got a spare room for ya..

I fill up these 5 gallon water jugs to store some of my top off water in. Well like stated above I have forgot 3 times and flooded the kitchen. On Saturday I did a water change and was filling up some jugs. Then decided I needed to go to Lowes. You can guess what I came home to.

Thats 4 frickin times now.. Think I need a better system??????...LOL
I flooded my living room yesterday. I was making 30 gallons for a big water change, forgot about it, and came back to a swimming pool.
I flooded one of my bathrooms. I moved my RODI unit to the bathroom behind (ish) my tank set up, plumbed it all in and beganmaking water to replace what I used for the water change today.... 3 hours of surfing LR later, I realize the bathroom is flooded. I forgot to tape the joints when I moved it into the bathroom sink, so it leaked everywhere.