im about to kill someone


Phi Kappa Psi
So as many of you know I live in a dormatory at the University of Tennessee. I just got back from spring break. Now the dorms I live in are without airconditioning which is fine if you leave the windows open.

I come back from spring break about half an hour ago and behold. My windows are closed and the blinds are up. It is burning up in my room.

Now for all the people with weak stomachs you might want to stop reading. I look into my tank and my toadstool coral is melted, my 2 turbos, dead and my nassuris is dead.
It was 95 degrees in my tank. I am so pissed right now I dont even know what to do.
I left with the windows open and the tank on a timer and such and I get back and they have come into my room and closed all the windows.
Luckally I took my fish to the LFS and had them hold them while I was gone. I dont even know what to do right now. :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat:
Sorry to hear about what happened. 95 is just crazy. Im amazed your fish made it...

What are you going to do to drop the temp? I suggest doing a 25% water change
Do you have a room mate? If not I would take hotimportknight suggestion. Sorry to hear of your troubles.
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yuck. that sucks. I lost my power once when I was on vacation and it boiled my tank to 90 degrees. I didn't lose a fish, but lost a toadstool and a colt coral. sorry about your loss

Hate to hear about your tank.
I'd go a head and do a 50% water change.Then watch your parameters for a week or so before you put your fish back in.
thanks everyone... Im going to stop by the fish store tomorrow and tell them to hold my fish for another week, and do a water change.
Sorry to hear about your losses. I know how you feel -- my tank heated up to 96 degrees once and killed all the inverts in it. You are lucky that your fish were being taken care of elsewhere though, I'm glad to hear that.
The university will just say for security reasons an unoccupied room must have its windows closed and secured, or some such excuse. You give up a lot of what some people would consider rights when you live in a dorm. No body except a handicapped person is an "individual" in a dorm or on university property in general. It is not required by Federal or State laws to consider each individuals needs individually, only the individual needs of a handicapped person. No one I believe could comprehend the administrative requirements that would have to be established and managed to considers everyones individual needs, individually, in a university setting.
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The university will just say for security reasons an unoccupied room must have its windows closed and secured, or some such excuse. You give up a lot of what some people would consider rights when you live in a dorm. No body except a handicapped person is an "individual" in a dorm or on university property in general. It is not required by Federal or State laws to consider each individuals needs individually, only the individual needs of a handicapped person. No one I believe could comprehend the administrative requirements that would have to be established and managed to considers everyones individual needs, individually, in a university setting.

not only security reasons but also for damage from the elements. If it rains. Like fatman said, you live in the dorm you dont own it or rent it. The university still has access to it and can enter it with probable cause. You are even lucky that they allow you to have a fish tank. The university that I went to wouldnt even allow fish in the dorm.
