if i only have 1 ricordea will it spread?

Depending on your lighting and water quality, it will eventually spread like mine did, but if you want a nice cluster faster, then fragging would be faster.
+1 Graytch

I have never used iodine, but I have fraged my shrooms many many many times. Though when I fraged mine they all did have a vary strong Iodine smell. But yes like Graytch said fraging them is much faster. Just give them a few days to heal in a tub of rubble in your tank. They will be fine and ready to place in a few days.

Though with the Ric's they will look vary different than what you fraged. if you let them spread naturally they will be more so a clone. I've had shooms/ric's that have healed in to odd shapes also its pretty cool. I hope you enjoy them I love the mushroom corals :D
Most people don't find it necessary. Salt mixes will contain the correct balance of what your tank needs, so keeping up with water changes regularly tends to keep stuff like that in check. As a good rule of thumb, don't dose anything you don't test for.
They do spread quickly, especially if you feed them. I had a 10-gallon ricordea only tank for a while, and I target fed them about twice a week. They got big and fat fast!
I'm feeding mine Marine Formula One pellets that I've crushed with mortar and pestle. I leave the flow off for about 15 mins after I feed them.
Turkey baster and mysis.

I'm feeding mine Marine Formula One pellets that I've crushed with mortar and pestle. I leave the flow off for about 15 mins after I feed them.

They also love cyclopeeze.

Now would this also work on the mushrooms? Also could I do the same with my zoa? I don't mean to be hijacking this thread. But I've wondered how folk got there shrooms and zoa to explode like a plague. I've gotten maybe a groth here or there but nothing major. The finger leather I had on the other hand that grow like wild fire. hmmmmm
do u think the ricordeas eat any of the excess food that kinda floats around when i feed my fish?
i feed em mysis and brine and formula one...stuff like that.