Identify plz


Reefing newb
I noticed these pinkish organisms on my live rock, at first i thought they were some kind of worm when they were tiny but they are growing and looking like an anemone.Any idea what it is?


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Is it true that they kill corals. I read that when i googled the name.

Maybe because they spread so fast and drown out the corals, but I'm not sure. I have them all over the place, but never concerned myself with them because I don't really have corals, except for some mushrooms on a rock (they're growing between the shrooms, too). Not sure yet if they will be harmful or not. Time will tell.

According to wetwebmedia:

...beautiful little Corallimorpharian in the genus Pseudocorynactis. They're harmless and usually nocturnal. Not a whole lot is known about their care, but they're thought to feed on zooplankton/pods and such. For more information/photos, please Google our site, and the net, using "Pseudocorynactis'
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No fish yet, right? I forget how long your tank has been set up. How long are you leaving the lights on? If you have fish, how often are you feeding and what are you feeding? Check your nitrates.
here is a quick pic of it filling in.. as it grows it will come off further from the back glass and almost look like scalloping..