id snail or slug or sumthing? help

I bought a LR the other week and notice a snail or slug or somethin on it. It survived the ride home without any water lol. I cant seem to get the greatest pic because my camera is well kinda out dated. (6.0 megapixle) Any ideas?

It blends in well with the LR. Its to the bottom right of my xenia
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Thanks biff, its still a baby tho, cant wait for it to grow =) (they are fun to watch) the mushroom next to it has grown like 5 times the size when i bought it. Best hobby ever! and prolly most expensive lol
What a lot of people don't realize is that the tank and stand is the cheap part! You get that stuff home, and then you're like, "Oh I have to buy lights. And a protein skimmer. And sand. And rocks." So a thousand bucks later, you get that stuff home, and you're like, "Great. I have a tank filled with rocks! Yay!" :lol:
All my stomas died I think =*(

So sad too I had a BUNCH of em... If you ever see them shooting some gunk out a snorkel into the water that's how they reproduce :)

btw, they are nocturnal.