ID help please


Reefing newb
I collected a rock from around the Galveston area and when I placed it in my 10 gallon tank this guy popped out almost 2 weeks later.... any help with an ID would be great! Thanks in advance

or to view more pictures of it and my 10 gallon tank here is 10 Gallon Tank Photos by smalltowngal86 | Photobucket the link to my photobucket album.
Some kind of little anemone... I can't say for sure what it is.

I'd also take those fake plants out. They're made for freshwater and can leach some icky stuff into your water.

What kind of rocks are those?
I'm not really sure what kind of rocks they are... I got them from the intercoastal canal down around Galveston. But I wasn't aware that the artificial plants would not work for saltwater.