

I don't work for anybody
I am tired of this damn parasite, it is really pissing me off. My new fish (Cosine) has picked up an average case of Ich, making her look less than pretty. My biggest fear is that her boyfriend (Tangent) will not find her attractive since she is not on her best health. Stupid Ich, I am not a fan. Luckily she is still eating like a HOG and for that, I am grateful, just wanted to vent

Sorry about your fish Doc. I'm sure you will save her.

It seams to progress fairly rapidly. Remember that Flame Angel I was talking about? The one at Petco? I went back today to buy some frozen foods for my tank and it's got ich--pretty bad. I feel so sorry for it. I doubt it will survive at Petco.

How will you treat the sick fish Doc? Do you have a quarantine tank?
Sorry to hear about that Doc. Please reassure Cosine that Tangent wen through the same thing when I first brought him home, and he got through it, just as she will. He will not think any lesser of her for it.

As long as she is still eating, I think she'll be okay. For a couple days, I just soaked the hell out of Tangent's food in garlic and Selcon. And his ich cleared up pretty fast.
How does garlic work? Does it give the fish bad breath, or what? Is the ich parasite related to vampires? Inquiring minds want to know.
Garlic extract boosts the immune system. Just strengthens them a bit. It's not specific to ich, but anytime a fish is sick or not eating. It also is an appetite stimulant. When I made my own homemade batch of frozen food, I dumped a lot of garlic in it, so my fish get garlic at every meal.
Sorry about Cosine Doc,
She must of got it from e-snuggling with Tangent.Make sure both of you test your children for unwanted pregnancy and FVD(fish venereal disease).
I was gonna grind up a new batch of mush this weekend. Can I use whole--raw garlic? Just peel the skin off and dump it in the blender? Or do I need to buy a liquid extract? How exactly do you get the garlic into their food?

What other things can I add to my mush to help my fishies stay healthy? All I usually do is add Marine Cuisine, some brine, some Formula Two algae type for vegetarians, and some frozen whole krill.

Should I buy fresh stuff from the local Safeway deli? What kinda stuff? Shrimp? Clams? Trout? Catfish? Squid? Run down to the baitstore and pick up some nightcrawlers?

Perhaps those 2 ugly goldfish in my wifes FW tank? :trampolin
I guess you can use garlic.I only seen the liqiud extract that soaks into the foods.Pick up some Selcon(liquid vitamins) for your fishies too.I put a few drops per cube before feeding.
I've never heard of using raw garlic. You can get the extract from health food stores and fish stores. I've used both the Kent Marine and Seachem brands.

When I made my own fish food, I put a bunch of human food in the blender: oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, scallops, squid... I read to avoid fish.
as long as Cosine is eating, I am not worried. She just wanted to make sure Tangent was not going to lose interest in her, while she is healing

Well Doc,
If Cosine and tangent hadnt of been E-lovin so rough,then Cosine just might not be in this predictment.

Hate that she's got ich though/
No. In fact, Tangent couldn't sleep last night as he was overcome with worry about her health. I sat up with him all night long, just so he didn't feel so alone.
E-lovin. Nice one. Guess they should've used protection, huh? Too bad. I am sure she will get better soon

I do two cubes a day, one in the morning and one at night, plus some cyclops and nori three times a week. I need to do a water change tho, it is getting pretty ugly in there. She would eat more if I let her. I will move up to krill in a few months. It adds so much nutrient into the water, I want to hold off as much as possible

Yeah I've been watching my water, and so far so good. I want to keep him fed so that he doesn't try to eat things that he shouldn't be eating... But this guy is a machine. I've never seen a fish eat like this before.
you may need to move up to silversides. One good silverside will keep him for several minutes. I feed two to the Niger Trigger every other day.
