I think its dead, what is it?


Reefing newb
I recently received a 20g tank. This is the before and after the move photo. Before it was a vibrant pink and looked healthy. Now its a sickly purple and not looking good at all.. please help me to identify it and if its dead! Thanks



That is a Kenya Tree.
It's normal for Kenya's to do that just before they start dropping limbs. Which is one way they basically spawn.
I'd just about bet on it.
Kenya's are hands down THE hardest corals to kill, and trust me, I've tried. :D
That is one thick Kenya..and it looks like you are going to have more of them...

Yote: how and what do you do with the branches that get shed to have more trees?
Just leave them alone when the drop, but that is actually a very bad idea. These guys are called the kenya WEED because they will take over a tank and are very hard to get rid of
Just leave them alone when the drop, but that is actually a very bad idea. These guys are called the kenya WEED because they will take over a tank and are very hard to get rid of

Ah... mixed emotion here.. after reading these postings I think I may of thrown one out that I should of kept... thinking it was dead.
That is one thick Kenya..and it looks like you are going to have more of them...

Yote: how and what do you do with the branches that get shed to have more trees?

I flushed so many Kenya weed branches down the toilet that I got em growing out of the ground along the field line.
also looks like you have some aternia star fish. Just keep an eye out, just like the Kenya tree.. those guys do multiply.
That is one thick Kenya..and it looks like you are going to have more of them...

Thats what i was thinking.. It is super thick! It has not shed any branches yet :bounce:

Good news is: it is alive.
Bad news is: it is alive and moments away from taking over your tank. :)

I am keeping a eye out on it. Its looking a little better then when i posted the picture. I am worried about my palys now :shock:

also looks like you have some aternia star fish. Just keep an eye out, just like the Kenya tree.. those guys do multiply.

All them Aternia S.F. you see are gone! I changed the live sand and fish tank when i did the move, I only see one now!

Thanks everyone else on the advice :smile:
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