I got some acans


I'm that guy
Hey guys, long time no post. Just picked up some red and green acans at planet reef. Anyone keep these. need somoe tips.
congrats i to just added purple acan lord and some other red ultra acan. there both on sandbed under t5's and i feed 2 times a week, rods reef food and small pieces of silversides. bigH you missed frag swap there was a guy from chicago that had nothing but acans of all kinds from 20 to 50 bucks a frag and they were big both mine have 6 heads on them one was 20 and other was 30.
also know they will change color depending on light, flow and water conditions so what you bought may not be what you will end up with in the end
The skimmer is great. I hooked an O3 generator to it and it puts out a sludge that looks like baby poop. I love that thing and it has helped my tank a bunch. I hadn't done a water water change for 6 weeks and everything was still doing great. Finally did one last night. I traded a small yellow figi for two 6" pieces of chalice, green monti that is about 3" across and a brown monti that is 6" across. I started getting back into my tank. Its funny though i left it alone for 2 months and everything did better. Maybe if they woud let me back into RC i would know about the frag swaps. They are real homos
when those acans grow ill have to buy a frag from you. Its funny how now that more people have them, how the price has gone down. I remember when beldts had them for 300 bucks! and I wanted to buy one.
beldts fragged all those big acans cause they cost to much, thats were i got the purple acan lord, the other i got from frag swap.
that a boy. Hows the tank doin? Sorry ive been awol for awhile. Been a lot of stuff going on with kids baseball and being the coach and all. Got any good lookin zoos for sale?
lost a bunch from some bad strain of bubble algae but tank is coming back around and replace some of zoas i lost and then some. got some more frags started so i can trade for more, cause i don't like to charge money i like to trade coral for coral and that mostly how i got almost all my corals.
I love my foxface. i got a few zoa colonies goin that would make some good trade. Purple peter eaters, some bright green ones, and some light blue ones. Also got a couple pieces of chalice i would trade if you want them.
Its amazing what you find in your tank when you start digging around. Found a candycane frag i got a couple months back buried inthe sand and it acctually grew another head.