I became a reefer today


Reefing newb
Well i am pretty excited. So I started my 29 gallon tank January this year. It was a Fowlr tank and I have been taking it slow. My current setup has about 25lbs of Marco rock (dry rock) and about 10lbs of live rock from my LFS. I got my skimmer and hob filter going ( this will change soon as i got a sump I am going to be putting in the next week or so). 2 power heads and other odds and ends

Well I have been wanting to get some corals but I did not have the proper lighting yet. So on craigslist the other day I found a complete set up. It had the lights I needed for my tank 1- 2 lamp coralife t5 fixture and another 2- lamp t5 fixture with led moonlighting. It also had 25lbs of really nice fiji live rock and 25lbs of fiji live sand plus a ton of crabs and snails. 2 extra power heads all for about 150. Not to bad since the lights where fresh out of the box with price tags adding up to 200 alone. also had corals had some zoas and kenya trees I think I will post pictures soon and some others

So my plan is to take what i need from that new tank i bought to make my tank the way i want it then turn around and sell it and get some money back.

well tell me your thoughts i will get some pics soon
sounds like an awesome plan, the only thing that i would suggest, is if you are going to use the live sand, rinse it out 3 or 4 times in a 5 gallon bucket, otherwhise you may have some nasties in your tank.
+1 first_time_reefer! Sounds good, but I'd either ditch the sand from the set up you bought or clean it very very well before putting it in your tank.
Thanks for all the concern. I actually do not pan on using the sand. Just the live rock and and lights. I already have crushed coral in the bottom of mine. I have to do a little aqua-scaping today and then I will get some pictures up tonight. I am so excited.

OK next question I am not sure what all the corals are i know there is some small zoas and kenya tree and a few other little things. How often do you feed and what do you feed the corals

Last It has two light fixtures that fit my tank my question is will they work 29 gallon tank

The first one is a coraline aqualight T5 dual lamp fixture 1-10,000k 18watt and 1 actinic 18 watt bulb

the second fixture is 30" t5 ho system 2 24w bulbs plus the 4 led night lights

whats your thoughts

ps you all are a life saver on here thanks to all!
You will want to remove that crushed coral ASAP, it becomes a crap trap and will lead to serious water quality issues, and it looks pretty bad pretty fast as well. Sand doesnt trap stuff and it will allow you to keep sand shifting creatures too.

You dont need to feed any of the corals you have listed, they will get everything they need from the light. Most corals dont need to be fed, but some will grow faster with spot feeding.

I think your lights will be good enough to keep soft and LPS corals
got some pictures. Could you help me identify what these are so i know for sure. I plan to change out the crushed corral when i add my sump in the next two weeks. Well take a look and let me know what you all think or concerns. I love all the input.


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1 - Palythoas/button polyps. Easy corals to keep. Great for a beginner or new tank.
2 - Zoanthids. Same as above.
3 - Green star polyps. Same as above.
4 - Kenya tree. Soft coral, it's a type of leather coral. Very easy to keep but can spread like crazy and take over your rocks. Many consider it a pest because of how easily it spreads, so keep an eye out for it dropping its branches; that's how it reproduces.
5 - Nice full tank shot. The rockwork looks great. Lots of caves and places to swim and hide.
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