I am back


I don't work for anybody
OK, pity party over. I did a forty gallon water change today and added two cleaner wrasses. They seem to be doing OK, and frankly, they look pretty cool. My other emperor is about 50/50. Not sure if he will make it. I am feeding all my fish garlic. I am totally down about losing my angels, but I know that I can find a balance...somehow.

I had my LFS friend order me a Sohal tang and it will be here next week. I will wait another week to make sure it is doing OK before I add him to my DT. Sohals are one of my top three tangs. I hope my other emperor will make it. Corals are doing OK (sorry biff, they were headed out the door when I snapped to my senses. but lets face it, do you really have that much room for my 25 corals?....snicker....).

So, cross your fingers, say a prayer, grab a rosary, eat some hummus, and wish me luck.

BTW, I added 4 cleaner shrimp to "help" with my Ich problem and all my angels, including the emperor, ate them...all of them. They ignore the one that was present before they all came in tho...weird, and a waste of $100. Dammit.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Good to hear you're back to your old self! I really didn't think your "mood" would last that long. We know you better than that here :).
holy crap they ate them all! that sucks bigtime. I want to get some cleaner shrimp for my 180. I have my fingers crossed for your beautiful emperor.
it is nice to have my mental health returned to baseline. sometimes even therapists lose it a bit. Like when they pay fantastic amounts of money for amazingly beautiful fish that just die. I did a count of the money I spent on fish that have died...damn. It has been enough to start a whole new system with LR, corals and fish. My wife must love me to waste so much cash. LIke watching fish kill my shrimp. I am either stupid or...hmmm. OK well, if it fits. But those fish that do make it are SO pretty. Makes it worth it.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
no. I am soaking frozen food in garlic as well as seaweed and spirulina flakes.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I dont have a cleaner shrimp and my tang wont eat frozen food so, garlic is out. It was able to fight off the ich it got by herself. Just rid it out doc. No more stress and they should be ok
true Biff. and yet that would mean stopping spending all the endless amounts of money on shrimp, corals, beautifully expensive fish that die within days of entering my tank, I just don't know if I am ready to make that kind of committment.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
my 180 was stirctly an impulse buy.... kinda like a one night stand... no committment, except wait..... its still here. so i guess its a little different haha
It's the one night stand that you keep finding in your living room every morning when you wake up! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :shocking::shocking::shocking::shocking: