Hydro koralia vs maxi jet??


Reefing newb
So what are ppls opinions? I really want the koralias but this tank is putting a big dent in my wallet so maybe leaning towards the maxi jet or maybe one of each?? What do u guys/gals think??
2 750s and a no name powerhead that i will most likely replace eventually. The no name is quite powerful though so it will be replaced with most likely the 1000+ one.
Samhain had (I believe) the maxi-jets - the suction cups failed and they landed on the bottom of her tank creating a sandstorm that killed most of her inhabitants. After reading her story I decided to go with the koralias, which are held to the glass with magnets. That made it worth it to me. And DFS almost always has them on sale for $7-10 less than what you'd pay at other online retailers. Go with the Koralias, and more lower flow ones are better than just 1 or 2 really powerful ones.
Amazon got me a 750gph Koralia for $35 with free shipping.

Idk what everyone else is paying but that was the best price I found.
They are both good powerheads, but as has been mentioned, the suction cups on the MaxiJets are a definite downside -- they don't last long, and they will fail eventually.
We use both! 1 Koralia 550 and 1 Maxijet 600 right now, seems to be good.

Koralia's have more of a widespread flow and maxi's have more of a direct flow.. if that makes any sense.
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Koralias. I have both. 2 Koralias one on each end and one maxi jet in middle. I got my Koralias at petmountain.com for a very good price. I love the koralia.
Koralias. Hands down. Maxi-jets crashed my tank. If you're looking to save some money, choose to spend a little extra on koralias and avoid the tank crash that will happen when the suction cups let loose and blow your sandbed to kingdom come. The koralias aren't that much more expensive than the maxi-jets, and you won't have to worry about them letting loose and killing off all your livestock.
You can upgrade maxi jets with magnet bases here:

Sure Grip Magnetic Power Head Holder - Bulk Reef Supply

This drives the cost up, however, but they're great for when you're mounting maxi jets in your sump for reactors, flow, etc. Maxi jets are bulletproof and it's always wise to have a few hanging around, especially for mixing saltwater.

Otherwise, Koralias are good powerheads. You'll need to get into the habit of checking them though, especially after power outages. The props are notorious for getting stuck; nothing a good whack with your finger won't fix. Keep them clean, check them often, and there'll be no issues.