Hydor PICO powerhead


Reef enthusiast
Piece of crap! I got one to use in my 5g QT to season some new dry rock and it worked for like 2 minutes. :grumble:

I just emailed BRS I hope they let me upgrade and pay the difference. Thats what I get for being cheap. I figured it didnt matter since it was just to move water in a QT for dry rock but it does matter.

NEVER BE CHEAP in this hobby it just ends up costing more in the end :frustrat:
Is there a chance you got a bum unit? Or is it just not strong enough for what you need?

It has to be a defect it literally worked like 2 minutes and slowly fizzled out to nothing. Its only blowing around a 5g tank with some dry rock in it if it cant handle that then its worthless LOL
Get hold of Hydor. They have great customer service. They've sent me parts to fix powerheads, no questions asked, and no cash changing hands.