How Screwed Am I?

It was 94 here yesturday and 92 today. This is rediculous I hate the summer. It rained today making the humidy near 100% UCK! Rarely gets over 85 here anything over 75 and Im uncomfortable!

The biggest problem is that I have let my weight get out of control, have gorgeous young neighbors and embarrased to take my shirt off but thats out the window today.
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Well with the two fans, wet tent(lack of direct sunlight) and extra powerhead blowing out of the water like a small fountain I only achieved a high of 84 which is close to normal fluctuations. Im happy enough!

Fatman I am completed in debt to you for saving my ass on this one! It is GREATLY APPRECIATED~

Good call. Way to stroke the man's ego. :mrgreen: he was dead-on.

Hitch hikers are usually pretty hardy. I mean, they have to survive the harvesting in the first place, then being shipped to the US, then being shipped to the distributor or LFS, and in the meantime, they've probably gone through a bunch of temperature swings, been sitting out dry, etc. I think stuff like most shrooms and zoas would survive those temps, but other hitch hiking inverts like crabs, shrimp or less hardy corals etc. would probably not.
All of the hitchhiking stuff came out of a local reefers tank who is switching to freshwater. Im not even seeing a bud of a spot where any of the shrooms were so they either melted or jumped ship and moved. Either they will turn up or not. Going to do a large water change in the am just in case any of the crabs that found their way in died.

Doc ill call a spade a spade when someone helps me out ill definately recognize it, actually me and fatman get along fairly well in the behind the scenes talk. Try to get along with everyone, ill debate with anyone who makes a post that i dont agree 100% with if they are so inclined BUT its never personal and I dont hold any grudges.
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Its been 55 to 75 degrees this week, should rise to a high of the mid 80's in July for about a week. Been light enough to not need headlights but for about two hours per night. Of couse it does hit 30 to 50 below in the winter, with nearly no sun light for weeks on end. The mosquitos are so bad already that they can almost carry you away. My apartment is peg on 68 degrees. Takes a little heat at night in the apartment and I need heaters for the dispay tank as I limit the temp swing to one degree. Lots of water in the apartment which makes a huge difference. Three full trash cans, the RODI syastem tank, an ATO/kalkwasser tank, and a sump, all in a little efficiency apartment.
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Do they YES. Can I afford a full central air install at this point NO. Just bought the house. In a year we are going to upgrade the furnace the year after that its central air. WE are just getting rediculous heat it very rarely gets this warm here. Lake Erie breeze normally keeps us cooler. Jet stream isnt blowing in the normal pattern for this time of year.
Well!!!No Airconditioner or chiller?Its gonna make it rough this summer.Do you have MH lighting.You also dont want your temp going up and down that bad every day because salinty changes with temp and its makes it to stressfull on the fish.4 deg is pretty bad.My tank was reaching 81 this week from its 78 for the first time.So i unplugged one of my two heaters.since then its stayed at 78.

This is my setup right now for the summer:I have the Air conditioner set at 76 room temp.Two fans and my heater hooked up to a temp controller which turns the fans on at 78.9 and my heater set at 77.9. Reaches 79 max during the day.and drops to 77 during the night.I also raised my MH lights several inches.( really Helps ).im only dealling with a 1 Deg drop.I also keep two containers for water.One is for my ATO only.No heater keeping the water ice cold.As the tank evaporates its acting as a mini chiller.

My suggestion is get a cheap window conditioner. Even if you have block of some doors with something to keep the cold in.
When the rock is out of the stock tank that is in the greenhouse I wont have a problem regulating the temps, Chalk it up to making a bad decision without planning for a longer delay than I did. Ive got things under control for now, Fatman helped me greatly. I have a window air conditioner that I can run when the Display tank is online. I dont think that three air conditioners could keep up with a greenhouse so Im not going to bother trying. Two fans and a wet sheet is working well enough. The temps are supposed to be back to norml by mid-week so I think Im set. One bad day is all it really got.
Evaporative coolingis the way to go when it is possible. There are many more large commercial buildings with water cooler towers than there are with airconditioner units. A swamp cooler is great as long as your humidity is not too high. Thta kind of leaves places like the southern coastal areas with mugginess or air conditioning. The interior region of Alaska is actually considered arid.
In Alaska I could just dig a hole and throw a loop of pipe in the hole and back fiill the hole. Running water through that pipe would definitely produce cold water. The average year round ground temperture in the interior of Alaska without permafrost at a five foot depth is 34 to 36 degrees. Below freezing if in a permafrost area. Probably around 60 to 65 degrees in N.Y.. Just let your cold tap water run for a few minutes and check the temperature. Most water pipes in residential areas in the lower fourty eight are buried at four to six foot depths, or just below the average frost depths.
what about getting one of those in window AC units? My parents used to have a couple of them in the house before they got central air. Now I am in a apartment where my room is the last vent on a central air unit and I am at least 5 degrees hotter than the other rooms. It blows.
what about getting one of those in window AC units? My parents used to have a couple of them in the house before they got central air. Now I am in a apartment where my room is the last vent on a central air unit and I am at least 5 degrees hotter than the other rooms. It blows.

It's 94 in Eastern NY (Upstate) and 81 in my living room, without A/C. The tank is currently at 81, although I did keep the MH light off and only ran the PC's. I'll turn on the MH's for a couple hours tonight. While A/C would be nice, I don't think it is a necessity in NY. Ryan's area should be even better with the cooling affect of the lake. According to it's 87 where he lives.
You got it lightcs4 I really have no major need for an AC unit. If the tank was in my house I could keep the greenhouse access closed which would keep my house very comfortable. In order to keep the stock tank cooler I have to keep the french door access to it open which is SUPER HEATING MY fing house so that its unbearable. I just keep telling myself one more week! Supposed to be 72 on wednesday Heat Wave over.