How Much Sand?

I wouldn't put 5 inches. That's a lot less volume for water and fish. It's wasting space. And 5 inches would be difficult to keep clean.

It would be fine for a large tank, but not a 60 gallon, IMO.
Maybe some explanation of the reasoning behind less than 2 or more than 5 might help.

The less than 2 is because 2 or less inches of sand makes the sand bed easier to clean and prevents any massive build up of detritus (excess food other stuff) in the sand bed that can slowly break down over time and ruin your water parameters. The more than 5 inches of sand comment comes from wanting to create a DSB system (Deep Sand Bed). I won't go into the specifics about it but a Google search will bring up plenty of information on it. Whether it is a benefit or not...jury is out on that. Some people swear by them others not so much but it does take up a lot of space in your aquarium so unless you really need it for some reason, I think the general recommendation would be to not do it.

I have a 6 inch DSB in my 90 gallon but the primary reason for that is that I have various seagrasses in it and a pair of steintz gobies with the pistol shrimp that needed some room to make their home.