How do you aerate your water?


Reefing newb
I have been getting water from my fish store and, while it is cheap, it is 40 minutes from my house. I want to try making my own water. How exactly do you aerate your water? I need the specifics. Thanks so much!!
Are you talking about making the water at home or mixing saltwater.
If your making it you need a RO or RO/DI unit, if your mixing I mix mine in a 5 gal bucket with a powerhead for 24 hours.
I dump 5 gallons of the wal-mart ro water in a 30gallon trash can,then drop in my rio 1700 pump and let it run untill im ready for the next water change.
I change 5 gallons every saturday in my 55,and 5 gallons in my 30 every wednesday.
You can aireate with an air pump and air stone. The mixing if strong enough will also airate it surface agitation is good.
I know a couple people that bought 50 gallon trash cans a cheap powerhead. They mix there saltwater and put the powerhead at the bottom of a can and point it strait to the surface.
I fart in mine. eat lots of egg salad sandwiches the day before so you will have plenty of build up.... wow I hate being the one that is not serious but it was too perfect of a situation.
I fart in mine. eat lots of egg salad sandwiches the day before so you will have plenty of build up.... wow I hate being the one that is not serious but it was too perfect of a situation.
So do you use a tube to carry the gas from your ass to the water? Or do you just get a wet Poopier? Is there any adverse affect from the methane with your PH?
I do a full butt dip. it actually introduces a bacteria that strengthens my biological filtration so I see it as a win/win situation.
:pooh: ive been doing It wrong !

So in "essence" your coraline is Brown and Green!!
Im getting some White castles "sliders " i should have my Water ready real quick!