How do I filter my water?


Reefing newb
So, those that saw my other post know that my canister filter leaked and (might) cost my aquarium it's happy home at my office. Needless to say that filter is in the trash!

However, how in the world do I "polish" or clean my water without a canister filter? Currently I have an overflow that has a foam filter around the down tube, then the tube goes over a dispersion plate. Under that I have some algea. That goes into the next chamber where I have an AquaC Urchin protein skimmer. Then back into a return pump and back to the tank. I can't remember the exact weight, but I have close to or over 100 lbs of live rock in the tank and a few peices in the sump.

My problem is I have a diamond goby that spits live sand all day and it makes the water not so clean. When the canister was running my water was crystal clear.

Should I get some type of hang on back filter with the cartridges that I replace every other week? Could I lay out cotton over the water disperser in the sump to help catch poo?

Sorry all of my posts are so long winded!
You don't really *need* anything. Most tanks stay clear without using anything additional. You could use filter pads in the sump, but they'd have to be cleaned every few days to prevent nitrates from building up. It's really not a big deal if you have particulates in the water -- it doesn't hurt anything. If you wanted something to polish water you could get a different canister filter.
You could use a hob filter to occasionally run carbon and some cotton to help with the water. Just stay on top of it's maintenance to keep the nitrate build-up down.