Hi and Help!


Reefing newb
I just started a 14 gallon Nano tank- good live rock, a couple of hermit crabs for 3 weeks- and this past Wed added a banded coral shrimp, a bubble anemone and two clowns. One of the clowns looks great, very active and feeding well, however the other clown was not interested in eating at all and stayed in a corner for two days . Then yesterday I noticed a long white stringy substance about a 2/3rd of his body size coming from his rectum- at first I thought it was waste product but then concluded it could be an intestinal parasite especially as the fish has nt looked well since I got him. I decided to euthanize this clown( no QT tank yet). My questions are - No 1- How long should I observe the remianing clown before declaring him disease free and adding another fish
No 2- If the remaining clown becomes ill I can I treat him without harming my inverts and if so How do I treat? No 3 If this remaing clown doesnt make it how long do I need to wait to introduce new fish into the tank?. PS. Today I just caught two small arrow crabs while diving and added thm to the tank - they seem to be doing OK
Guess I'll be the first... if you just started the tank, you shouldn't have anything in there at all..... It will take a few weeks to cycle with the sand and live rock. Clowns are known to be quite hardy, so might make it, but otherwise I would take everything back to the LFS (or ocean if that's where you got them from) and get the tank ready first.

Read some of the the 'Helpful Articles' on the link above.
what kind of lighting do you have? Anenomes need intense lighting and if they die they'll screw you over.

Also most say at least 6 months before adding an anenome.

He's right you should wait 3 weeks or so before you add anything. Then slowly add things making sure that you keep everything stable.
I have cycled tank for 3 weeks and it has been reading undetectable ammonia and nitrites for past 17 days.I have lights that came standard w/ oceanic biocube - not intense enough? for anemones?
First of all,
You say that ammonia and nitrites are undetectable?
What are your nitrates?
Anemones need great water quality along with 8 to 9 watts of light per gallon.
A 3 week old system isnt stable enough for an anemone,IMO.

Never use any kind of medications in your display tank.Most are copper based and will kill any inverts you have and render your rock usless for a reef tank.

Any thing you take from the ocean is your responsibility untill its dead.Never release any fish or invert that you place in your tank back into the ocean,even if you are the one that caught it.
Not to mention,it may be illegal to harvest or catch some things with out certian permits.

I suggest waiting at least 2 weeks to make sure your other clown doesnt get sick.After that,add slowly.
so you have

2x24w Dual Powercompacts
w/lunar lights

That's not even 4 watts per gallon, like Yote said you need 8 watts per gallon.

You need to over double that to feel safe about having an anenome, not to mention your system isn't near mature enough.

What test kit are you using? Have you done any water changes?
Wooo. I would take that anemone back to the store for sure. It will not survive in your tank. And when it dies, it will wipe out everything else in the tank too. I think you have added too many animals too quickly, and this will lead to disease and tank crashes... Patience and going slow is key in this hobby.

Like others have said, you can't treat parasites in your display tank. Medication will kill any inverts you have and contaminate the rock and substrate so that you can't have any inverts in the future. Definitely wait a few weeks before adding any more fish.
I echo the feedback you have received. We are not trying to discourage your interest in the hobby, but are trying to help you not make the same mistakes we have all made. Your BTA is very fragile and in a tank as young as yours, it will likely die. they decompose VERY quickly - like in an hour - and their bodies literally explode all over your tank, making a mess of your tank, spiking your ammonia and nitrates, making your tank unliveable. Best to take it back. Your clown will live just fine without one. I wouldn't even add corals just yet. Let your clown sit for 2-3 weeks and make sure it stays eating and active. then add another fish. Best of luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
someone mentioned BTA's need 8-9 watts/gallon, is this true? I thought someone said I could probably house a BTA with my 5 w/gal.? Or am I mistaken?
Ah! Sweet. Alright thanks again, sorry to hijack the thread for a second. There has to be some science behind it, but all I've had for college level science so far is geography...
I have been able to keep three BTAs alive in my tank using PC. I have about 6 watts / gallon and it thrives and split twice. It is not the norm, but I will take it anyway. Best to keep to T-5 lighting for them tho. I just upgraded and they should be at my door any day now!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish: