Here is my surprise!!! Pics

awsome..awsome...defenetly more pics for my collection!!..your tank is the best dr saving some bucks for a new got me into angels!! soon ( i hope) ill be asking a lot of dumb heading to the reef today..i want to find some cool rocks that has exactly coraline as yours..i dont care if it takes me to swim the entire carribean ocean!!..i understand your passion now dr clearly seen in your tank!!...good luck my friend!!..ill be following your posts closely..
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If you want to do angels, make sure your tank can handle it - at least 100 gallons. Bigger if you can, like Winy, a 180. Angels are my passion and I would love to answer any questions you may have. Whatever angel you chose to get, go with a variety of fuzzy mushrooms and ricordias, toadstool leathers and green star polyps. Those seem to be the most safe with pomacanthus and holacanthus angels. My next tank will have a queen, emperor, french and blue face. glad you like my tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
nice selection of angels for your next tank dr marco...defenetly ill get a big tank in the near future to host some beautys like plans is gonna be a fowlr ...white dead caribean rock..white sand and a white its gonna be all angels only..i think the white backgroung will make thir colors look more brillliant..i want to have like an elegant touch..cause this tank im planning to have it in like a dinner room..i had a french lasted 3 months..i guess my tank didnt had the rigth conditions at that time..defenetly ill have a queen emperor and french..carribean queen angel is beautifull..ive seen it in many tanks around here..and thanks to you..the emperor..what a beauty..i look at your pics almost everyday to see that kinda relaxing after stressed day..heres the french angel i had..i was thinking at that time to do a fish only tank ..then i moved to reef
the french is such a HUGE fish - as tall as it is long, and gets quite aggressive. It is so unique and beautiful and I want one...just not yet. I can't wait to see your tank when you do it. I imagine we will be starting our angel tanks at the same time - can't wait.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
jeez I missed the unveiling :( thats what I get for leaving for a few days. Your angels are gorgeous... Did you replace your other emperor and put two new ones in?

Corals look good to (pause) for now :) LOL I'm still scared.
yes, I took out the big one because his colors were so muted, it almost didn't look blue anymore. My buddy took it and has him at his fish store. I bought one from him and the other from a different fish store. I added them both at the same time and "viola"...they got along. As I am typing this, they are schooling with the Koran, calmly nibbling at the yummy bits of crap on the rocks, but not on my corals.

I did get a different Kenya Tree (weed) at the fish store, it is pretty large and I like it. Hope it reproduces into dozens of little trees I can mail out as Christmas gifts to all you haters of this leather...

-Dr Marco :sfish: