

Reefing newb
Hi my saltwater flower tank was doing good.But my tang got ick and i got the mardel and the tang was fine.My clown fish got ick and it died. now i have 3 fish and no skimmer. had i typhoon and broke do not get the typhoon water in the cup and it did not work. So i need to get a cleanup crews and i hope i do not lose the tang paid $50 for him.So when i get my super skimmer and my tank is clean i am going reef. But no skimmer know.

Just to clarify a bit I need to ask some questions.

1.) What is a saltwater flower tank?
2.) What is mardel?
3.) if you had your tank for 2 years with no cleanup crew or skimmer do you have an algae problem?

To help your ick problem go buy some garlic extract and Selcon (vitamin C suppliment) and put some in the food you feed to help your fish's immune system to fight off the ick. If you have a quarantine tank use that and leave your main tank for several months so the ick dies off.
hi for altohombre a flower tank has live rock and fish mardel is the ick medicane the pet store had me use.I had my tank with a skilter skimmer. that i got the typhoon for my birthday. and it's going back to the store my cleanup crew was 2 snails but i put prim in and that died prim for the water. and no algae problem. i got my new light 3 week's and the t5's are puting the algae in. so i am geting a super skimmer and clean up crew and yes i have a quarantine tank my tangs are fine but my clowfish died i am going reef in 2to3 weeks.

You have more than one tang in a 35 gallon tank? That tank is too small for ANY kind of tang. The reason the tang got ich is because he is in a tank that is way too small for him. Most tangs need at least 75 gallons. I highly suggest taking the tangs back to the store, because if you keep them, even if he recovers from ich this time, he will continue to get sick and will eventually die due to the stress of being in a tank that is inappropriate for him. You should research the fish you want before you buy them. There is no way that multiple tangs will do well in a 35 gallon tank.

Did the medication that you use have copper in it? If you used a copper medication in your tank to treat ich, you cannot turn that tank into a reef tank, and you cannot keep a cleaner crew. Copper is fatal to inverts and once you use it in your tank, all of your rock and sand becomes contaminated and will leach out the copper.
just to help you out: it's FOWLR and not Flower. FOWLR sands for Fish Only With Live Rock

+1 to Biff for good advice as well.
hi bifferwine i have a 35 gallon and one yellow tang i keep him for 3 weeks fine the medication no copper in it i had a quarantine tank put the tang back in my clowfish had ick and i but him in the quarantine and it died las night. have you uesd prim for water i have tape and use prim for it do you know if it was copper. i have fan wroms on one rock and 3 fish.

hi altohombre yes flowe stands for fish only with live rock than you go into a reef tank. sea dwellers and friends said i could have the yellow tang and that have a reef tank 500 gallon there good there in angola
The tang needs to go back to the store. ASAP. That tank is half the size that the tang needs to live. They have very high metabolisms and need to swim a lot. Tangs will live very short, unhappy lives in a tank like yours. If you don't get rid of the tang, it will keep getting sick, and there will be nothing you can do to help it, since the problem is the tank that it's in.

Prime doesn't contain copper. But if you are using Prime and tap water, your skimmer won't work. You can't use a water conditioner like Prime and a skimmer at the same time, the Prime makes the skimmer go nuts and draw water like crazy. You should use RODI water, not tap water. Especially for a reef tank. Tap water contains all sorts of crap that is harmful to inverts, lots of heavy metals, phosphates and nitrates. You can buy RODI water at a fish store, Walmart and grocery stores.

Get rid of the tang. Your fish store lied to you. They lied to you, told you it was okay to keep a tang, and took your money, and sold you a fish they knew you couldn't keep. And then the fish gets sick, other fish die, you go back to their store and give them more money. See how it works? They are ripping you off. Don't trust the advice they give you -- they gave you very bad advice that has led to problems for you.

Like Alto said, it's FOWLR. Not FLOWER.
Yeah, just head to the grocery store or Walmart. You can buy bottled water, the label will read "Prepared by reverse osmosis". Some places also have a station where you can bring your own container and fill it up.
yes my tank is not doing good the yellow tang is going back and saltwater is hard i am going to keep the fish and do fish only tank

There's no reason for you to not be able to keep a reef tank. The equipment you have will be fine for a reef tank. You just need to move slowly and research things before you buy them. You should be able to keep plenty of corals in a tank like yours. The T5 lights are perfect for a reef tank. You just can't keep tangs :) You can probably keep a maximum of 3 or 4 small fish in a 35 gallon tank.
Listen to Biff.She's 100% correct.
My advice.Take the tang back to that store and shove it up the salesmans ass.Then find another store.
A 35 gallon tank makes an awesome little reef tank.You just have to be careful about the fish you put in it.And you've already invested the money into the equipment to have a great reef tank.So just return the tang,research EVERYTHING you want to have in the tank,and if your not 100% sure,post the question on this site.
Were not after your money,and we all want to see you have an awesome marine system,weather its a fish only,FOWLR,or reef tank.