

No clue about reefs
ok there is this huge caterpillar thing in my tank not so much huge but long like its skinny and has like lil spikes but the spikes r like hair it looks like a skinny worm... should i remove it or be worried?

also there r tiny lil baby slugs so they look like living around my starpolyps i removed them my lfs said they r keeping my stars from coming out, and they have been like closed up for a few days. are they right? they make burrows or something i was they kill ur corals.

Don't worry about the "caterpillar", its probably just a bristleworm. It will eat the junk in your tank and also assist the clean-up crew.
You can use THIS site for a good visual ID.
I'm betting bristle worm too.Actually good to have,great member of the clean up crew.

Sounds like the "slugs" are probably some type of nudibranch.Some are harmless,some feed on certian types of corals.Its a pretty good bet that if there keeping the star polyps from opening,that they may be eatting them.
not only will the nudi eat your corals, its chances of survival are very poor and when it dies your usually dont know since it will die buried in the sand and will cause your nitrates to be out of control
The coral eating nudis are so small that if they died, you wouldn't be able to see them anyways. And the coral eating nudis live on the corals, not in the sand.