Help With Sump


So i have decided to set up a sump. Main reason is to keep my mandarin fully stocked with pods.
So, my idea was this:

Sorry about the awful drawing, tired.
Ok, so what equipment do i need? I was also thinking about ordering some dry rock for it. How the heck will the pods go from here to the main tank too??
Thanks guys!
You need an over flow box, pump, piping and a valve.

And pods will get into the sump in the water flow and then get pushed back into the tank by the pump.

Also, you might want to add some baffles to keep the bubbles down.

BTW, nice fish :D
You need an overflow box if you don't have a drilled display tank, some true unions so you can easily disconnect the plumbing if needed, PVC piping or tubing, and a return pump that is around your overflow box's capability. (with head loss taken into consideration)

A light for the sump, some live rock or rock rubble. With a 32 gallon, though, even with a sump, it might be difficult to keep your mandarin alive. That's not much real estate for the pods to hide.
I too would be a bit worried about your mandarine if he isnt already eating frozen. That isnt going to be able to sustain one (they eat hundreds in a day) and it takes several months for pod levels to get to a sustainable point where the mandarine wont wipe them all out over a short period of time.
i have ordered in some arcti pods, im gonna also scrap the sump idea. In 4 weeks my buddy is ordering me a new perfecto 125 gallon tank with dual over flows. YAY!
So when the arcti pods get here, imma throw them in my hob chaeto thingy.
Any other products you guys suggest for feeding him?
is he eating frozen at all?

I would try and get him to eat some sushi roe, super good for fish and easy to get at the asian super markets
Mine would go for blood worms, he might go for that.
But if he starts to get skinny, bring him to the LFS - get a new one when you're 125 is grown out a bit...
You guys can tell me if he is skinny or not. I dont think he is, but then again im normally wrong! :roll:


Couldnt really get any decent pictures

Also anyone ID this?

I can't tell from the angle of those shots. Do you have anything else in the tank with him?

If youre talking about that coral, it's an SPS called an acropora.
Its him, two clowns, two shrimp and a decorator. his belly is not concaved, but just flat. Im just a worrying person, dont want to hurt the little fella. Im just on the verge of wanting to take him back for his own good. :(