HELP!!! Still have algae problem


Reefing newb
I had my new lights 6x39 T5 hvo for 2 months and still have algae problems!

I do 40 to 50% water changes and it comes back in a couple of hrs.

Sal 1.025
PH 8.2
Amm 0
Trite 0
trate 0
cal 340
AK 8
Phos 0
temp 8.2
even tested for phos from tap-trace amont

Its a slimy green algae (pics)

What can I do?


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I have a 46 and I my 20+ snails and 15 hermits can't keep up with the algae. You shouldn't be doing 40-50% water changes, that can shock your system. Do you have a mag-float to scrape the algae off?
Rule of thumb is 1 snail per gallon and 1 hermit per 2 gallons.

I'd go with about 40 snails and 20 hermits. Snails and hermits ar5e expendable. They kill each other. They die of natural causes. They fall off rocks and end up stuck someplace--then they die. Hermits attack snails and kill them for the shell. Snails have sensitive internal biology and must be acclimated over about 3-5hrs.

Get an RO/DI unit. Stop using tap water. Run some phosban. Run some carbon.

Do you have a sump? Do you have any macroalgae? Macroalgae eats phosphates. If the macroalgae can eat the phosphates, then the slime algae can't grow. No food.
Yeah I had an algae problem in my tank when I first got it up and running...but it's gotten a lot better since implementing a fuge in the sump.