Help Save the Sharks!

I hate shark finning because when I go diving, I look for the fins before I get into the water so that way I don't end up getting eaten. If shark finning continues then I won't be able to tell if a shark is in the area because I won't be able to see their fins! :shock:

No seriously though, I think it's a pretty big problem (or at least what I've read) and I also think it's inhumane and should be stopped. But let's not forget about the abalone situation (at least in my area) and how they are being hunted to near extinction.

I don't even agree with sport fishing because I feel that it too is inhume even though you are catching and releasing. I've seen studies that suggest that fish can feel pain. I know this may sound like common sense to some of you but hey, I figured I would bring it up anyway.

I feel that the fishing industry really needs to be regulated more heavily to ensure that all species of fish are to remain for generations. Going without an abundance of fish in the nation for the sake of maintaining fishing populations isn't going to kill anyone. People are just too self-centered in general and need to realize what affect they are having on their environment.

The human population is the highest it's been in history and yet the animal population is the lowest it's been in history and yet we are focused more on ourselves, saving other humans and maintaining our luxurious, excessive lifestyle.

I will cut it off right here because I'm sure some of you have already started dozing off. In short, I will support the cause and I will talk with my wife about it as well. I am glad to see others who are passionate about this kind of stuff. I apologize if I offended anyone by any of my views.:io:
Overfishing of commercial stocks has been a problem for a really long time, and it's considered one of the biggest ecological problems that our planet faces (at least in the scientific community). If you think about it, seafood is the only food source that humans hunt stock solely in the wild for. We do not "breed" or "farm" seafood like we do every other food source (plant materials and meat). That makes it really easy to take advantage of and deplete those stocks. It's even difficult to get an accurate count of what's still out there.
Just got this responce today!!!
I feel like the email thing is working!!!!!! Got atleast one senator to cosponsor it!!!!!!\

Dear Mr. Johanson:

Thank you for contacting me to share your views concerning the Shark Conservation Act of 2009 (S. 850). I appreciate the benefit of your views.

In response to your correspondence, I directed my staff to investigate this issue, and became a cosponsor of the Shark Conservation Act on July 28, 2009.

Finning is a cruel practice that must end. Experts from the Pew Charitable Trusts estimate 70 million sharks are killed by the fishing industry year, with many of these sharks mutilated by finning. I pledge to work with my colleagues to ensure this bill is passed before the end of the session.

I will continue to listen closely to what constituents have to say about matters before Congress, the concerns of our communities, and the issues facing Illinois and the nation. My job is not about merely supporting or opposing legislation; it is also about bridging the divide that has paralyzed our nation's politics.


Roland W. Burris
United States Senator
ok so i am an advocate to saving the sharks.. i love watching them in the wild... the nice ones anyway :) the LFS by me has a black tip that they are helping while she grows to later donate her to the seaquarium and then back to the wild... it's great!!!

by the way.. i have a forum i started for MarineGeeks like you and me. Go take a look!