help my tank

i have done all i can water changes ,check levels,and i cannt get the water to clear up,it looks like it has smoke in the water .and on the top of the sand it looks brown...have lost a clown fish,2 goby,but my corals r ok...and my snails, cleaner shrimp .what can be the problem
What kind of Filtration do ou have on your tank also, is your tank only a month old? If so, then it's probably still cycling which would be why you have the brown algae on your sand and also why you possibly lost your fish. We need more information though like what your water tests are, filtration, water changes, etc
i change my water 2 times or 1 a week....i got a master test kit...and my tank is like 5 months old.and filtration 2 50g marine live with the wheel on it.
Ok, lets back up and start at the beginning.

First post your test results.

And what are you using to check your salinity? Get a refractometer if you are still using a hydrometer. Hydrometers are junk and can easily give false readings.

Also post your other tank stats like when did you set it up, how did you do it, what is in the tank and how much, type of filtration, etc. Anything you can think of.
not that long i went to buy sand ...not live sand ....can that be the problem ....i started with my tank add water i went to the store and got it....i added the salt ...and i tried to buy all the live rock i could 26 pounds,and then 1 month passed by.once the cycle was done igot my cleaning crew. and got some fish...not to many of the...and all was good .it look like it need more sand .thats wend i got a small bag... ammonia 0 nitrate 0 ph 8.4 nitrite 0 gravity 1.22
Just so you know, generally you want 2 lbs. of LR for every gallon of water in your system, so you should try to add more. Also, reef systems so better with a specific gravity between 1.025-1.026. When adding fish (especially in smaller systems) it's important to only add one fish at a time. Adding fish will increase the bioload on your tank causing it to go through a mini-cycle. However, adding several fish at one time will cause a much bigger cycle which, can possibly kill fish, inverts, and corals.

With that being said, how did you know your cycle had finished? How often are you testing your water params? You said you do water changes 1-2 times per week, how much are you changing? And also, you said that you were using 2 marine live filters with wheel? do you clean the filter media out everytime you do your water changes? If not, you should eventually they will become nitrate factories and cause major issues in your tank.
Just buy the filter replacement and stop using those cartridges, much cheaper to cut a sheet to the size you need then drop it in every few weeks.