hello every one


Reefing newb
my name is Amanda, I'm 25 years old. I've loved fish since i was little. I have three tanks :bounce:at the moment, i just started sw the end of nov. i have a 24g nano cube with a neon goby cleaner, one O clown, one vivid red clown and skunk cleaner shrimp, a harlequin shrimp(which i would like to get a mate for) and 2 blue green chromis. I also have a small bubble tip nem that i just got a week ago, a torch coral and a cpl other coral. i love my tank. i star at it at least an hr plus a day. ill attach a few pictures If any one has suggestions im open to hear them. I know my tank looks a little plan Jane but its a work in progress. I test the water every other day and usally a 9-10 gallon change every two weeks. And when i notice my skunk shrimp is getting ready to molt ill splash a little iodine in the tank. my skunk cleaner molts about every 2-3 weeks while my harlequin only molts once every 4-6 weeks. The torch coral lets me know when he want lights on/off lol. i target feed my nem every other day just till he gets a lil bigger than ill cut back to 2 times a week. i do feed my torch n he loves mysis shrimp. ok for some reason its not uploading my pics so as soon as i can get them to up load i will.:shock:


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for some reason its the harlequin shrimp pic that wont up load :frustrat: hes my fav


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yup 24g at least thats what i ordered. lol. maybe it is smaller it measures 17 inches on both sides and 17 inches high and about 18 inches the front but that could be 17 to a lil hard with the curve.
Probably the size of the clowns that threw me off then. I have a few really young clowns that measure .75 inches if that
i think they are going to mate the smaller one keeps shaking by the bigger one and they have been nipping at a piece of rock. i love my clowns lol i got the two biggest ones after searching all over