Hard Corals


Reef enthusiast
Ok, so at the moment I have a few fish and about 6 soft corals, but I want to start preparing to put hard corals into my tank. I have heard they need another unit in the sump? I think its a calcium unit?

Just wondering, how much would a good unit be that isnt too expensive and what other things would I need to do in order to get them living in my tank?

Thanks for any help you can give :)
You can add supplements to your tank without a doser (unit). Also, depending on what hard corals (LPS, SPS) you may not even have to dose your tank at all as long as you keep up with regular water changes.
thansk for the quick reply :)

So what does the actual doser do? and is it suggested to have one over supplementing your tank?

I wouldnt know much about all the different corals, but I guess the better looking they are the harder they are to keep.

So in an optimal situation, what would I pay for and need to keep them?

all a doser does is automatically add a preset amount of chemicals to your tank. It's the same thing as you adding the supplements yourself. Your two choices with hard corals are SPS and LPS, SPS can be very hard to keep for beginners especially if you don't have the right lighting (they generally require intense lighting). LPS can be much easier. Alot of people (myself included) get frogspawn, torch, and/or hammer corals when starting out and keep them fairly easily.
Thanks, that helps a lot :)

Hopefully I can start looking at both sets of corals within the next few months.

They are dam good looking corals haha, So cant wait to stock up on them :D
Until you get a lot of SPS corals, you will not need a calcium reactor or doser. Most people can do fine with regular water changes and calcium supplements. At the stage that your tank is in, I wouldn't worry about it. The vast majority of corals will grow perfectly fine without supplementation, and especially without expensive equipment.
Thats good :) thanks everyone for your help.

Will start investing in some nice hard corals :D and just make sure I keep those levels.

I guess now i know what I will eventually have to spend to keep a lot of corals running in my tank though.
Even though those reactors are nice.Its still one more thing that can screw up.And when a calcium reactor screws up,it'll be like Biffs Kalk mess up,it'll crash the tank.
But those controller are super nice to have and well worth the investment.
They will control your lights,heaters,fans,wave maker.:D
Thats true, Ill have to work out exactly what im doing when it comes to dosing the tank and see how often I have to do it. because if I have to go away somewhere for example, my brother will need to be able to look after the tank. so Automatic is better (with no stuff ups lol. )