

Reefing newb
My GSP is not opening all of the time and then when it does only a few of the nubbies show the bright green middles. What is up with that? It is in med to high lighting, low to moderate water flow and is attached to a rock. I don't know why I am not seeing the pretty green middles or why they are not opening up. It just looks like a purple mat of nothing.
It could be getting too much flow although I don't think so since you said its low to mod flow. Is there anything that you have noticed picking at it? How are you water params? Do you have any other corals that are acting strangely. How long have you had the GSP in your tank?
The gsp has only been in the tank for about 4 days. I have not noticed anything picking at it. All of my water parameters are good. Let me know what you think.