green hair algae

big G

Reefing newb
So over the last two months i have been getting small green hair algae blooms about the size of a fifty cent piece. it is definately starting to become annoying. does any one know what might be the cause, and is there any critters that will clear it out. All my perimeters are in check the only thing i can think of is that maybe my R O filters need to be changed. because some of my corals do not look happy. thinking some tap water may be getting though. or maybe scale back my lighting schedule as i was running them for 12 hours a day and have been backing them off about half hour once a week and now am about down to 10 hours a day
i would keep it at 10 hours a day, whats are your water parameters including phosphate, as for the corals could you have some stray voltage?
perimeters are all good phos and all just checked everything a few days ago. stray voltage? good possibility as i got rid of one of my maxi jets about six months ago and got a koralia because the maxi was putting out a bunch of stray voltage. maybe the one maxi i have left is starting to fail. Im gonna go get my volt meter from the truck right now and check it.
8-12 hours is a normal time for lighting, I run my for 12 hours a day. When you say parameters are testing good, what does that mean? One person definition for good will be different from others. Are all your corals looking bad, only some? How long have they looked bad, how Long has the tank been up, what kind of lighting and how old are the bulbs?
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
phosphate 0
ammonia 0
calcium 450-500
carbonate 7-8

as far as corals only about 20% mostly all my leathers with the exception of two. the ones that are looking bad are in one general area but were fine a few weeks ago, and i have not changed the flow.
as far as the light I have 6-60" vho but only running 3 for the last 4 months due to one of the ballast being down. the bulbs are only about six months old.
i did recently start feeding coral frenzy, but only twice a week and very little. but have have had the algae problem developing for a couple of months now. oh ya and the tank has been up for about a year this go around at it.

Thanks for the help