Green Hair Algae!

Eric Noa

Reefing newb
Hello Guys,

Im having some issues with Green Hair Algae.... Its beginning to grow on some of the rocks near the bottom and on the glass. What can I do to solve this... I have already reduce the light by leaving then on less time but it doesn't help.

Here are some pictures..






It's common for new tanks to go through algae cycles. Trust me, there will be more! Just make sure you stay consistent with your weekly water changes, add some CUC, and wait it out. It shouldn't get out of control as long as you keep an eye on it.
In a new tank, there's really nothing you can do. You will get all sorts of algae the first few months. Usually it ends up going away if you keep up with maintenance. Like Sniffles said, a good cleaner crew will help.
+1 Snifles and Biff.
To help keep the algae under control,remove as much of it as possible when you do your water changes.
For stuff on your glass, astraea snails. For stuff on the rocks, turbo snails. For the sand, nassarius snails. Cerith, nerite, trochus and bumblebee snails are also good.

It doesn't look like you have a lot of algae at all, so I wouldn't add more than a few snails. If you add too many, they will starve to death.