Honestly, I think a lot of websites will exaggerate things to sell more animals. I've read that hermits and snails will eat cyano, but never seen that myself.
My brother who lives just a few doors down from me has a forty gal breeder set up with lagoonal corals. This means flow in the tank is somewhat low as reef tanks go to accommodate the lagoonal corals. Tank is sumpless with just a hang on emporer 400 filter and a hang on coralife 65. The skimmer appears to run quite well for its type.
We were constantly battling cyano and hair algae. We finally changed the tanks maintenance routine from weekend 10 or 20 percent water changes to small gallon or two changes nearly every other day or so. Problem went away.
May sound like a lot of maintenance but actually ended up being less of a hassle and less disruptive to the tank in general than the larger weekly changes. Side benefit is that trace element content is always spot on. For a fifty five you may want to up this to three gals every other day.