got ?'s bout curing live rock


Addicted Reefer
If i added some basic non live rock to my aquarium that contains live sand, will the sand eventually make the rocks live? If i added non cured live rock it would possibly start the tank to cycle again i know so I should only add already cured live rock to my tank? I have a little 90gph pump for a curing live rock setup, is that enough gph? Does it matter if the rock is covered with water? Can i stack the rocks in the bucket or should they not touch? Someone told me that i could use a brita water filtration system to make tap water better for the aquarium? I dont think this is true but not sure so i hope someone can help. Thanks for reading this and the answers anyone gives.
Yes the live sand will eventually liven the rock.

To cure the live rock, it needs to be completely submerged. If it not, then all the live stuff on it will die.

Go ahead and stack the rocks. I don't think it matters for their curing. All the LFS that I frequent have curing tubs that have the rock piled in it.

The 90gph should be plenty. I would just swap out the water with the tank water from a water change.

The Brita water will be better than straight tap water, but not nearly as good as RO water.
I would really, really strongly suggest you use R/O water. Brita and tap water contain chemicals, phosphates, you'll end up with a less than perfect looking tank and it's just not worth it.
I started my biocube with tap water. It never looked amazing. I did not use tap on my 60 gallon and the difference is amazing.
Water quality is THE most important thing in this hobby.
How long has your tank been set up?