Got More Rocks Today

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, this sounds like a wonderful organization. Hard as I've worked on this hair algae, it is going to be tuff to break away and reform. I may need support and guidence.
nice rocks!!..dont get brainwash by aft...or you will have david hasselhofs poster all over your hard..dive NAAO
Screw NAAO, stay true to the AFT.

Tank looks great, and you wern't kidding about the ropes.
All my hard work and dedication might have just led to a hybrid species of hair algae.

Ropus Algaeus Funkadelikous
Couldn't take it anymore. 3hrs and 45minutes should be enough acclimation time for this little bugger. I feel guilty now. :frustrat: I had this snail in a little bitty quart size bag and I was dumping 3 shot glasses of tank water every 15 minutes. Ended up dumping 50% of the water in the bag 4 times because it kept getting full. Finally just filled it up with about 6 shots of tank water and let him sit for another 20 minutes. Plucked him out and set him free.


I have no idea what kind of snail it really is. It's about 2.25" or 2.5" shell at the widest part. His teeth look like a comb. Not one solid jaw or tooth. But many, many tiny teeth that sweep from front to back with every pulse of his mouth. Interesting. Hope he likes hair algae, cause thats what's on the menu. :mrgreen:
Here is a couple shots. Not the best quality, but you can see the shape. It DOES have a hard flap that covers the opening when he is fully retracted inside the shell.




Okay, what is it?
Just be careful with the PhosBan, from my understanding if you add more than the recommended amount it can affect Alkalinity. Someone confirm?
Might be.

The more I look at the shell shape of the smaller astreas in the tank, the more this looks like an astrea. Same shell shape and ridges on the top. Same wavy pattern at the base/edge of the shell. It's just tan/brown instead of the usual astrea chalky gray color.

I'm not an expert on snails. Just algae. If anyone can positively ID it--I'd appreciate it very much.
Just be careful with the PhosBan, from my understanding if you add more than the recommended amount it can affect Alkalinity. Someone confirm?

Yeah, I think I read that too.

I should probably run it at 1/2 strength. Like if it says to run 8 grams for a 30 gallon tank--I'll run 4 grams. I don't need to get rid of all my phosphates. I want my cheato to grow. I just don't want so many phosphates that I'm culturing all this hair algae.
The shell does look like an astraea snail, but I have NEVER seen one that size before! Usually turbos are that size, but the shell definitely does not look like a turbo.
Found a hitch hiker this morning.

Bristleworm. It's on the bottom of the purple rock on the right side of the picture.

I removed it from the tank and stuck it in a styrofoam box. And that is where it will perish.

In the coffin:

R.I.P. cause you ain't restin' in my tank!! Ya little bugger!!

I know some people are okay with letting these types live in the tank. I'm sure there is more than one on the new rocks. I would really prefer to keep them out of the tank as much as possible. I'd like to be able to put my hand in the tank without fear of accidentally touching a poisonous worm that might be hiding under a rock or in a crevis. I know it's probably wasted energy. They will be all over eventually.
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99.9% of bristleworms aren't poisonous. In fact, they are excellent scavengers, one of the best you can have in your tank. I wouldn't take out any more if I were you. It's usually only the bright red ones that are poisonous. I've never seen a red one myself, but that's what I've read/heard.
Did you look at the id page link I gave you? It looks like a star snai to me.

Yeah, I did look at it. But, i'm still not sure of the ID. It does look a little like the Star snail, but the shell doesn't match 100%.

This one had orange on the front part of it's body and black on the rear part. It looked like a centipede.

I know they are scavengers and will eat gunk. I know I should leave them in the tank. I just think they look creepy. :shock: You're right--I should let them be and let them clean up my tank. But they are creepy lookin'