Got him eating good

Ey doc all mine will eat is live food how can I wean em to eat frozen

The best way is to thaw out frozen krill or half a silverside and put it into the tank with your hand in front of a powerhead and let it shoot across the tank, mimicking live movement. They are attracted to movement and that stimulates the feeding response. Do you have a volatins? Radiata? Antennata?

The best way is to thaw out frozen krill or half a silverside and put it into the tank with your hand in front of a powerhead and let it shoot across the tank, mimicking live movement. They are attracted to movement and that stimulates the feeding response. Do you have a volatins? Radiata? Antennata?


a dwarf yeah i didnt want a Huge one so a dwarf is fine for me he hasnt really bugged my Skung or fire shrimp im feeding him ghost shrimp for now