Goniopora holes?

Big K

Reefing newb
Hey, Peeps!

I'm trying to figure out if my Goniopora has an issue or not. It seems to have some holes on the skeleton part of it that are growing algae ( I think?)



I had thought it was from my big hermit crab's shell scraping across the top of it but now Hermes is not even in the tank, and it seems to be getting worse. I have also seen a worm on it when it's arms(?) are retracted that is banded with gray and white. Could it be the culprit?

Goni's are one of the more challenging corals. How are you feeding this one? How is the polyp extension other than those areas? What are your water parameters?
If algae starts to take hold on the skeleton, it would be difficult for the coral to recolonize that section.
Was it already like that when you got the coral? or did it just start losing polyps when it was already in your tank?
Chichimom, it extends to where I cannot tell where these holes are any more.
I need to test tomorrow and I'll get some params up. I feed it frozen mixed food and zooplankton.

Biffer, no idea. I'll give it the finger test I the morning.

Stacker, no it wasn't like that before. I found the hole areas a few weeks ago. I just noticed the algae though.
Would some CoralRX help?
Looks like brown jelly to me. Flowerpots are difficult. I'm sure a dip might help, otherwise it might b on its way out.
Could I somehow scrape the algae off?
I dipped it last night and it killed off two worms living on it. I fed it this morning and it closed over the food as usual. It's opened back up now.