Glue For Corals.

Eric Noa

Reefing newb
I wanted to know if you guys could tell me which type of glue you use to glue your frags to the rocks. Im looking for something that I can use underwater... In other words that I can glue the frags underwater without having to take out the piece of rock. thanks
Would that work to glue a small rock to a bigger rock? Because I have some frags glued to small pieces of rocks and the snail knock them down so I want to glue those little rocks to the big rocks
oh, that could be why. I only held it for a few seconds. When it came off, the little glue spots floated in the water.
Can I use the super glue gel to glue a couple of smaller rocks together or will it take too much?

Would the 2 part epoxy say for aquariums or just what I can get at hardware store?

For rocks, I would say the epoxy is a better choice. Use the plumbing epoxy that comes in a stick, not the liquid two-part epoxy. It doesn't say it's for aquariums, but you want to get a brand that says it's safe for potable (drinking) water.