

Reefing newb
San Diego, CA
so i have two different types of frogspawn [green with purple tip, and ?brown with green tip?] anyway today i glued the together at the branch because one had an extra long branch while the other was just a stub.. anyway it looks very nice BUT my question is will they hurt eachother if they touch? the iffy one almost looks like it could be torch but ive never seen it extend to that length before and i was told it was a spawn. any advice helps! thanks in advance!
That's what I thought when I put my hammer and torch together...needless to say the torch is much farther away now...I have a feeling you would be ok if they are two frogs though.
that was the issue is that i dont know if its a torch or frogspawn... i was told it was a frogspawn by my friend who has no reason to lie to me an they got it from a reputable lfs [ironically the same day they bought a torch coral] so maybe they bought two torches? or is there any frogspawn that looks like that?
It's not that someone lied to you. It's just that they didn't know. They can be confusing -- they often times look alike, especially when they are small.

What gives it away as a torch is that it doesn't have multiple branches and nubs coming off of each stalk, and the tips are round and uniform in shape and size.
hmph well it does appear that there is only one ball at the end of each tentacle... so im concluding from the info on here that its a torch.. soooooo should i break the frag back into two pieces? hah
The brown one actually looks like a torch to me.

Frogspawns and hammers can be mixed, but torches will sting other euphylias.

+1 Biff
That one IS a torch.While you can have 2 torches touching,you cant place a frogspawn or hammer next to them.

Thanks for the info. I thought that they can all be mixed together. Good to know I was wrong for future reference. :bowdown: