Fox Face Rabbit Fish


salt water dummy
kinda want one when i get the 120 set up, anyone know anything special about these guys, any info would be cool as im looking at gettin one.
Herbivorous, change colors (so they're cool looking), have venomous spines. Pretty easy fish to keep, overall. A lot of people keep them because they help keep the tank clean of algae.
I have one. Kodax is one of my favorite fish. He usally goes hides whenever I work in the tank. Yes they are venomous. But they are quite hardy and love lots of algae.
one of my first fish i got was a foxface lol

i love my magnificint fox will always be my fav.

just a tip if your gonna get one make sure its the one u want their are diff collors of them so get the one u want for u can only have one in tank
Rabbit fish are awesome.But if there is no aldae in the tank,be ready to feed it seaweed sheets.Even though they are greedy with mysis and such,they'll get skinny fast if they dont have algae in their diet.
i will definately buy some seaweed sheets seeing as how i am setting up the new tank soon, so i doubt there will be any algae in it. i will go step by step, running things by you guys first, so i dont screw anything up. bare with me!!.
You will definately have algae in it( not being smart) it seems to be one of the last steps in new tank syndrom to get a hair algae outbreak, right after the diatoms and cyano.
they are easy to keep as long as they stay eating and fat. It seems that once they start to get skinny from lack of algae, their decline is fast and furious leading to death in a matter of days. BTW, their spines do hurt like crazy when they sting you. Just be careful and you will love him. I actually think a magnificent foxface in your tank would look cool... ;-)

so when your algae is depleted you pretty much have to return it to a LFS or can you get it to keep living happily on seaweed and other food?
A lot of people have them and keep them happy with algae sheets. The magnificent is my favorite of the group as well
algae works to keep them happy and emerald entrée as well. They do need some every day which is what tends to end their lives prematurly in our tanks. They dont get enough often enough.

Btw, Ryan... You are dead on with that magnificent. It gets a bit larger than the one-spot and the rusty-red on it is so cool!
I have one plus two tangs in my tank. I give them algae sheets twice a day plus emarald entree. They're all pigs. Always picking at the rock.