

Optometrist Reefer
Hello, first post.

I have recently set up a 40 gallon tank.
I have a Cascade 700 filter and have ordered a protein skimmer as well.
I just purchased a 1300 gph power head in order to increase flow in my tank and prep for coral (my tank has been cycling for 2 weeks now).

Do you think 1300 gph is too much flow for my tank? The Cascade filter has a powerhead and the protein skimmer comes with one too, so I'm afraid things will get blown all over the place... what do you guys think?

as long as the sand is not getting disrupted, it should be ok. 1300 gph in a 40 is pretty strong so if the sand stays put, you;re good...
I think that will be strong, but you will only know once you fire it up. Point or deflect it off the front glass to bounce it into your rocks....
Ok I'll try to point it towards the glass, right now I have it in the back bottom left corner pointing upwards in the same direction as the filter's powerhead. My live rock is situated such that it rises towards the lights, kind of like a mountain. My goal with this current placement of the 1300 gph powerhead is to have an upward flow for eventual coral that will go on top of the "mountain". But I have noticed the two damsels I have in there strugglig a bit against the current. My tank is 36 inches long, 18 inches tall, and 14 inches deep.
Welcome aboard.

The new skimmer wont actually put out enough flow to count for anything.Neither will the power filter.
You'll wont to double that 1300 gph at the minimum.
I have a Korilla #3 and it's on the side of my 55 blowing down the length of the tank. I have to aim it carefully because it actually creates an undertow that is stronger than the out put it seems.
I have 2 K3s and a K2 plus a mag 5 return pump going in my 72. I must be a rebel.More flow without moving the sand the better, IMO. Depends on what corals you want too. Some like low flow and some like a hurricane.