Florida was great


Reefing newb
So I just got back from the Santa Rosa Beach area and had tons of fun. The water was green and smelled a little compared to a couple of years ago when we were down there. We tried to go to shell island in Panam City Beach area but there was a 2 hour wait to catch a boat and decided to check out the man made jehti (way crowded and smelled like rank ass every were). Kids grabbed lots of sand dollars off of the beach and we snorkeled alot. High light of snorkeling at our condo was seeing a couple of star fish and had a Manitee swim with in about 10 ft of me (which honestly scared the shit out of me) when I was about 300 yards off the bank. We did bring home 1 live pet. My daughter caught 1 of those white crabs you see on the beach. This 1 is about the size of half a dime maybe. It now lives in a clear tub with small holes in the lid and a bucket full of sand that we stole.
Ive never been to Florida, but from the pictures Ive seen I would love to go, if you have snorkeling pics, put them up I would love to see
Was there Red Tide? That stuff smells horrible. Cool about the manatee, I touched one last year while at Long Boat Key. If you ever make another trip down to FL I highly recommend Long Boat.