Fish size and CUC


Reef Enthusiast
For a 55gal reef tank what is the largest size fish recommended? About how many fish under this size can we have in our tank?

I have seen online that the CUC packages these sites recommend contain ALOT of cleaners.. like 50+. What's a good size CUC to begin with if we're only going to have 10lbs or less live rock, live sand & diy rock? How many cleaners to add after each fish/coral?

Thanks in advance!
The recommended number of fish is 5 or 6 small fish (less than 5 or 6 inch long at full adult size). Also you really need to increase the amount of rock you have in there to at least 50 lbs, more would be better. You can get cheap dry rock at that will become live after the tank cycles.

And I would just start with a couple of several different types of snails and move from there (nass snails, turbo snails, nerite snails, certh snails, asterna etc)
The recommended number of fish is 5 or 6 small fish (less than 5 or 6 inch long at full adult size). Also you really need to increase the amount of rock you have in there to at least 50 lbs, more would be better. You can get cheap dry rock at that will become live after the tank cycles.

And I would just start with a couple of several different types of snails and move from there (nass snails, turbo snails, nerite snails, certh snails, asterna etc)

We have about 40lbs of agrocrete plus we'll be getting live rock to go along with it :) We want a 6-line wrasse, a clown or 2, goby... not sure what else yet.

Thanks.. that sounds better than 50 snails lol
I have a 55 gal and I got the 20-gal CUC from I also picked up a turbo snail and a few super tongan nassarius snails from my LFS (reefcleaners doesn't sell those). It seems to be about the right amount for my tank.
Guess we have some time to think about it.. probably get a handful of cleaners when we start. Thanks for the inputs.

We're close to having our tank ready! Been bidding on ebay. Won a Rio 20HF yesterday, it'll be here in about a week. Bidding on a Coralife 65 currently. Just need a few more things.. skimmer, RO/DI, refractometer, salt, live rock & chaeto...we're SO ready to start cycling it's not even funny.
We're really psyched about getting a goby ever since we saw one at our lfs.. that thing sifted the sand and I thought it was having babies lol