fish question


Reefing newb
ok, i had 2 damsels in my tank right after it cycled.. well needless to say i got rid of those mean little suckers.:grumble:.. they had my cleaner shrimp hidden all day cause they would pick at it. my scooter blenny feared for his life:shock:!

ok i am wanting to make my tank a fish / coral tank. so right now it has a cleaner shrimp, emerald crab and a scooter blenny. the only coral i have right now is a some zoas that are doing well..

my question is down the road can i keep a dwarf angel or pigmy angel in a reef tank? i love those little guys.

or can someone give me few fish that are docile and reef safe? im really not a big fan of the clown fish since they are so common.

also, what fish , invert is best at eatin leftover food thats on the sand? or should i try to syphon it out like i do in my freshwater tanks?

sorry so many questions, im a newbie here with saltwater. but i have tons of freshwater experience!

In a 29 nano you will be very limited on fish selection and population, any angel fish is a 50/50 shot. Some tend to eat zoa's and some never touch them. I had a rustic angel that distroyed a colony of zoa's. You could try a neon dotty back or an indigo dottyback, they are very colorfull.