Fish Names... Ideas and ones Used.

I have a clown named Gill because his gill got injured by the net when I put him in the tank and it didnt heal right

The other clown is name "The Other Clown"

And the lawnmower blenny is nammed "The Blenny"

I know very original!!!!:mrgreen:
I prefer the latin species name (as you may have guessed by my name here), but my daughter insists on giving the fish her own names. So far we have Burt, Fancy Nancy, Carroll, Joe, and Nemo (ug!)
Vlamingi tang - "Ming Ming" in the 180 "Lenguine" in the 850
Dussemeri tang - "Marie" in the 180 "Z like zorro" in the 850
Black tang - "toby" in the 850 and "TJ" in the 120
Koi tang - "princess" 850
White face tang - "leuy" 180
Blue tang - "parley" 180
Unicorn tang - "MJ for major"
blonde naso tang - "sarge"
Maculiceps tang - "Mac"
flame hawk - hawk boy
Mystery wrasse - willy and little man

Those are my only fish that have names.