Ammonia at anything but zero is a reason for concern. I suspect you are going through a small cycle. Just ride it out and be patient, not much you can do about it.
Will that go away by itself, or do you have to do more water changes?
I should wait to get anything else I would think right? Any kind of cleanup anything?
Don't do anymore water changes if your tank is cycling. Wait until your ammonia and nitrites drop to zero before adding any animals. Again, I would double check that ammonia reading by bringing a sample of water to your LFS for them to test, or by buying a second test kit. Test kits are not always accurate.
I opened my other test kit and the ammonia is 0. I will chuck the other bottles from the older test kit. Everything seems to be A OK.
Thanks again Bifferwine....
Thanks again......The new test kit read 0 so I believe we are good. I'll test again tonight and if all is well, bring a sample to the lfs this weekend for a thorough test. Then, hopefully I can get something else that moves in there. The kids would be jazzed....Just some cleanup fellas...
Performed another test and here are the results:
ph - 8.4
ammonia - .25
nitrite 0
nitrate - 20
Going to do a water change tomorrow or sunday, but does this seem ok?