First tank


Reef Junkie
I am wanting to convert my 36gal bow front freshwater tank into a reef aquarium. I want to use live rock and sand and eventually get some corals. I have been researching about marine tanks and I am a little overwhelmed. I need help. I need to know exactly what I need to set up a healthy tank. And also feel free to share trusted links to buy healthy animals from. Thank you all for helping me!
Hi! Welcome aboard!
You are doing the right thing in doing your research before you get started. We can help you avoid a lot of the common newbie mistakes :D
There are lots of great sticky threads for starting up your system. Get settled in to read and research a lot in this hobby! ;) As a general rule you will want to start out with RODI water and a good quality salt mix, 1-2 pounds of rock per gallon. It's cheaper to get dead rock and seed it with a few pieces of live rock. Same thing with the sand. Live sand isn't totally necessary.
You'll want a couple of power heads for water movement and maybe a hang on the back protein skimmer. Freshwater filters don't do much for a reef system unless you need to run carbon occasionally. Your main source of filtration will be your live rock, sand and regular water changes.
As far as lighting, it depends on the corals you want to keep. Lighting will be a major purchase in this hobby.
+1 chichimom!
This hobby is constant learning and research! You just have to find the best method that is going to work for you, your lifestyle, & how much you are willing to invest. The RODI is def the place to start, it's great for you and your fish, plus, it'll eventually pay for itself in the amount of water you won't have to buy. Everyone in my house uses the RO filter water...even the dogs :)! But there are alot of VERY knowledgeable people on this site that can help with the process. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Good luck & Welcome!
So I have decided to do a nano tank because I love my freshies too much to sell them. Anyway, I bought my 10 gallon tank, a penguin bio wheel, and my first piece of rock today! How to I clean my new rock? Do I just rinse it with freshwater? I don't think it's live rock.