First corals

Eagle eye's, dragon eyes, people eaters, mellow yellows, pink lemonade,candy apple, Alien eyes, armor of god, fire and ice, aussie zombie, bleeding hearts and bluehornets

at lest this is what I have found around me at my local LFS and local fragers

it just really depends on where you live and if your going to order online. I'd just ask your LFS for there prices and put them against online prices. so yeah keep your eyes out for deals and good luck on your tank and corals
Got a watermelon stylophora, and a hawkeye zoa. I was told to put the Zoa in the substrate low light for about the first week to let it adapt then move it into more light and up the rock a little more. Can anyone confirm this? My zoa is already fully opened and looking great. What are they signs of a healthy stylo?
Awesome. Question about my Kenya tree. Looks like the polyps are turning a green color. I would almost explain it as a swollen look and green.
Looking at some Sunny D zoa and galaxea maybe in a few weeks, any opinions? Wanting stuff that glows at night with my LEDs like the stuff I have now.
Galaxea could pose a challenge in a small tank. They have very long sweeper tentacles and have to be far away from other corals, or else they will sting them. You will need about a 6" space (at least) from the galaxea and its neighbors.
Okay, so maybe see about the galaxea see what kind of spacing I have. This guy sells them with about 12-15 polyps for about $10 or so.
Awesome, good to deal. Seems like a straight forward guy. I have been researching on fragging kenya tree and unable to come up with anything, is it just a simple cut with metal sheers, and attach to rock with thread and a needle?
And cheap, I got this huge tree for $10, thinking of fragging it down and selling for like $5 a frag is that a legit price? Just cut a "branch" off? I don't want it to take over my tank, but I like how it looks. I may just frag it in some pieces keep one frag and sell the main piece.
That coral grows like a weed...but they are easily fragged. Scissors, razor blade, etc...just make sure it's a clean, quick cut.
Yeah I read that before getting it, just like how it looks, figured worse comes to worse I could give it away, no local store here buys frags=[
It is unlikely that a store would buy kenya tree frags anyways. They grow too fast and easily, and most people don't want to buy them.
Talked to a few reefers around here who sell it for $5-$10 a frag depending on size... That being said, what is the best way to attach it to something to be able to sell it? I have heard rubber banding it, but not sure how that would work, and also heard needle and thread but anyone have any description on how to? I have searched vids on youtube and nothing=[